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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term B

Week 6                                        

Early Years Nativity Play

Early years got everyone in the festive mood this week with their delightful production celebrating the Christmas nativity story. It was magical.  Watching the children's confidence, it was easy to forgot that many of them are still just three years old!  Filled with acting, music and songs the show raised a smile (and no doubt the odd tear) among the audience.  Thanks to all who came along to support us.

Week 5

It is that special time of year and time to get the glitter out.  We welcomed parents and carers to our Christmas stay and play session.  The children completed Christmas crafts, everyone had fun especially the grown-ups.   We have introduced Santa's writing station with lots of lovely fine motor activities.  Our interactive Christmas story area is providing an opportunity to retell the Nativity story.


Week 4

This week we have been talking about how people celebrate birthdays past and present.  The children have chosen food they would like to eat at a party. Mrs Taylor told the children about the scones containing money that she looked forward to as a child. The children baked scones and Mrs Taylor hid a chocolate coin inside.  The children requested dancing and musical instruments.

Nursery have also been introduced to a new paint program on the computer where they have been developing their mouse skills.
